What I was hoping for in Kauai was some kind of emotional release from the demons that have followed me for the better part of a decade. From the deaths of friends, my mother, my marriage, my careers, my sense of self… I put DEALING WITH IT aside in favour of keeping busy, taking on multiple projects, pushing myself physically, mentally, and emotionally to higher limits, yet never reaching the finish line. Like there ever IS a finish line. At any rate, I hoped to find some solitude and time to reflect while on vacation, but, well, I guess it wasn’t meant to be this time around.
My trip to Kauai was shared with friends and family. My aunt, uncle, cousin, brother, and I in one resort, and 2 VPD buddies staying at another resort close by. It was fun sharing new sights and sounds with these familiar faces, and a great chance to know each other in circumstances other than “the usual”, but I really needed to put myself in solitary confinement. Things didn’t start out great, not because of the company, but for the food poisoning I got the first day. I spent the next 36 hours alternately barfing my guts in the toilet, hobbling from furniture to wall trying not to fall over, or crashed in bed, oblivious to the world. Or at least the tropical paradise beckoning outside my door.
This was pretty much ME the first two and a half days in Kauai...
minus the beach, ocean, and sun.
I had never been so sick in my life. I’ve never slept so much, or eaten so little. But for the greatest ab exercises, look no further than the humble heaving puke. I was so dehydrated I actually had eyelids. And I’m not even trying to be funny! I was so weak, I couldn’t sit up long enough to have an MSN conversation without laying my head down on the table. Everything ached, and when I finally had enough strength to stand up on my own, I knew I couldn’t do the stuff I had planned. I brought my TRX Force Kit and had hoped to film some cool vids on the beach; had my portable iPod speakers ready to rock the hula, and couldn’t wait to body surf in the open ocean. I LOVE ocean swimming. But the few times I got to the beach, I knew I could have very easily overestimated my strength in the water and the last thing I wanted was to have to be rescued. How embarrassing would THAT be?

So I appreciated the little things, met some great people, schmoozed at the firehouse and fire/rescue lifeguard stations (got a couple of shirts ;-)! and relaxed as much as I could. I didn’t feel the same connection to Kauai as I do Maui; I am drawn to Maui like I belong there. But Kauai has it’s own energy, and one day I’ll go back under healthier circumstances to really appreciate its beauty.
So here I am, back in Van, rested and more relaxed to live life at a normal pace. Although I didn’t have the epiphany I was looking for, what I did get was the realization that my search for a personal “moment of clarity”, like happiness, is a journey, not a destination (to quote that eye-rolling cliché, sorry but true). Those emotional a-ha moments are spread throughout my life, but I guess along the way I’ve kept myself too busy to notice them – or I’ve blatantly eschewed them. Not anymore. I’ll leave those big Hollywood-style moments where they belong – in the movies.
A pocket of sun in between bouts of pouring rain, gusty wind, flying sand, fluffy clouds...
all within 10 minutes!
So I appreciated the little things, met some great people, schmoozed at the firehouse and fire/rescue lifeguard stations (got a couple of shirts ;-)! and relaxed as much as I could. I didn’t feel the same connection to Kauai as I do Maui; I am drawn to Maui like I belong there. But Kauai has it’s own energy, and one day I’ll go back under healthier circumstances to really appreciate its beauty.
So here I am, back in Van, rested and more relaxed to live life at a normal pace. Although I didn’t have the epiphany I was looking for, what I did get was the realization that my search for a personal “moment of clarity”, like happiness, is a journey, not a destination (to quote that eye-rolling cliché, sorry but true). Those emotional a-ha moments are spread throughout my life, but I guess along the way I’ve kept myself too busy to notice them – or I’ve blatantly eschewed them. Not anymore. I’ll leave those big Hollywood-style moments where they belong – in the movies.
all within 10 minutes!
I love the way you write and how open you are as you type it all out. You should write more, and try to make money doing it! :)
First of all ……. thanks for the hug :)) . Second….I think, that going on a vacation to find some inner peace might be a good point to start, but it is surely not something meant to fix the whole problem.
Look, the demons you are talking about meet you here, in Van. They don’t follow you to Hawaii. Therefore, Hawaii gives you some time to breath and think about how to deal with this demons, but the area where you have to deal with them is here.
You need to feel well where you live. It is here in Vancouver where you should be able to wake up with a smile. While we run to reach our goals, it is the time of our life that is passing us.
What was the last time you lie down on a field and watched a flower? Do I sound like a Hippie? :)
Well, still….did you ever do that? I asked myself this question and figured that I probably never did that. But why? We don’t have the time to do something like that would be the answer. There are a thousand more important things to do than watching a flower.
So, what makes these thousand things more important? Earning money? Eating? Sleeping? True. We can’t live without that. But remember my question…what is the sense of live? Isn’t it, to become happy? Isn’t that, what we all go for?
So, how do we need to call it, if we are so busy keeping us alive that we don’t have time for the sense of being alive? And what, if we have been busy for so long that we lost the sight for any sense?
Do you remember how good it feels to feel the rain on your skin? All you need to do is leaving that umbrella at home. Vancouver is a very good place to feel rain :) . And it feels great.
It was a pleasure to meet you, Obi Wan. :)
See ya soon for another afternoon in the Gym. By the way, I was at 3:50 this Sunday, so we have to go for 3:40 next time. How exciting :) .
Thanks Mike. I do appreciate the little things, and actually, when I dance hula, that's where I often find my peace. Each movement that has it's own meaning, together with song, beat or rhythm and oral history, brings me to a place I love to be.
I'm feeling good. I'm moving towards a good place, and I have a lot of support behind me. I'm blessed to have such wonderful friends and colleagues that wholeheartedly believe in me, and I have much gratitude for that.
It was very nice to finally meet you, Mike. We will get you sub-3:40 no problem. Sorry I couldn't chat longer as you saw... it was a gong show that day, but the energy was wonderful and everyone did great. Feel free to e-mail me anytime at td@code5fitness.com as I don't check my blog everyday.
See you soon.
Trish (Obi-Wan ;-)
Hey Tricia, when I met you at Valley you certainly do not appear to have demons. You hide it well! Your in great shape... so here's to kicking the demon's asses!
Your hula photos on facebook are awesome! I studied photography and business in college in the early 80's and those shots are very impressive, calendar, mag cover or poster worthy.
I just got back from a weekend in San Diego for a IM seminar. The Hard Rock Hotel is quite the party place ;-0
I met Jorge Cruise there and will hopefully be providing him with a testimonial for one of his new books.
PS I met a Jedi master at the seminar LOL
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